You pulled me close and kissed my goodbye
Said you'd see me next month, in the harvest moonlight
Travel safe my dear, don't get caught in the rain,
was the last thing you said, before I rode away
(chorus) I'm Taking my horse to Standing Rock Plain
Where the sisters and brothers all sing in refrain
Let the Waters run clear on our ancestral land
Don't want no black oil, nor the pain that it brings
Cuz I'm making my way to Standing Rock Plain
Where the Great Sioux Nation all sing in Refrain
Don't want the black gold, nor the pain that it brings
Let the waters run clear on our ancestral land
Hope I see you my dear and our babies again
If the cops, armoured trucks don't haul us away
Please Mr President give us back our green Earth
No more black oil, machine, or red rust
They'd lay that pipeline a thousand miles long
Cut straight thru the bone of our sacred old home
and they'd lay that pipeline a thousand years more
pollutin' the waters with a future fargone
(chorus) ....if we don't take a stand for all the babes just born and we make our stand for all the children unborn
I'm Taking my horse to Standing Rock Plain
Where the sisters and brothers all sing in refrain
Let the Waters run clear on our ancestral land
Don't want no black oil, nor the pain that it brings
Cuz I'm making my way to Standing Rock Plain
Where the Great Sioux Nation all sing in Refrain
Don't want the black gold, nor the pain that it brings
Let the waters run clear on our ancestral land
Standing Rock Plain recorded/engineered by Adele Pappalardo 2 December 2016, Bergmo, Italy words and music by Buck Curran (c)2016 (p) Arborea Music
It shakes me to the core to know that in 2016 great atrocities are being perpetrated on people in the middle of America at the hands of corporate ambitions and greed. The people and families protesting at Standing Rock are Americans struggling for their rights, safety, integrity and future of their land. Their stance is a Vital cause for every American. I am Dedicating this song to all The Brave Women, Men, and Children peacefully protesting and enduring atrocity at Standing Rock and everywhere around the World. I believe with all my being in protecting the environment and human rights efforts. Places like Standing Rock are Ground Zero for our collective present and future generations. (This recording is a raw demo, my initial attempt at recording this song that I was compelled to first write at 7:00am on 3 November 2016 as my wife, pregnant with our child, left out the door to teach a class of children who are immigrants in Italy. I couldn't stand knowing what kind of future lies ahead for our child, for the children she was going to teach, for the children, women and men who are standing up to the cohersion at Standing Rock. I am already a father of two children in Maine and have been witness to terrible events like this for decades. As well, I am a Veteran of the US Navy. I would like to imagine a progress life, a progressive World filled with empathy and love). John Trudell's writing has been a big influence on me for over two decades...I would encourage everyone to seek out his writing. Any donations towards this song (via Bandcamp where it can be Downloaded) will go to relief efforts at Standing Rock and towards recording a proper studio version of the song. - Buck Curran, 3 December 2016
Photo by Alex Garland
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