Starting June 14th thru June 28th Obsolete Recordings will be taking direct Pre-Orders for 'Basket Full of Dragons': a Tribute to Robbie Basho Vol II…Produced by Buck Curran of Arborea. Pre-Orders will receive two advance mp3 tracks from the compilation and prior to release of the album on July 5th, you will receive a physical CD, and digital download. Visit Obsolete Recordings on Facebook to send a message and place an order. The album features: Glenn Jones & Matthew Azevedo (USA) Tammam Saeed & April Centrone (Syria & USA), Adele H & Buck Curran (Italy & USA), Richard Osborn (USA), Eva Sheppard and Jesse Sheppard (USA), Paolo Laboule Novellino (Italy), Yair Yona (Israel), Chuck Johnson USA), Twelve Hides (UK), Steffen Basho-Junghans (Germany), Michael Gulezian and Henry Kaiser (USA), Mike Tamburo (USA), Mariano Rodriguez, Jonah Schwartz, Karina Vismara (Argentina & UK).