Friday, January 20, 2017

'When I Was On Horseback' - Arborea Live @ SXSW

just discovered...Arborea performing 'When I Was on Horseback' at SXSW 2014 (from Arborea's last album 'Fortress of the Sun')

Standing Rock Plain EP @ Bandcamp

Buck's benefit EP 'Standing Rock Plain' is available now @ Bandcamp and will be released via iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc on February 28th. The EP represents the evolution of the song as it was being written and features 4 different recordings. Also included is the guitar instrumental Zitkala-Sa, dedicated to Zitkála-Šá (1876–1938) (Lakota: pronounced zitkála-ša, which translates to "Red Bird"), was a Sioux (Yankton Dakota) feminine writer, editor, musician, teacher and political activist.